Zum Hauptinhalt

The road is only suitable for passenger cars as it is narrow and difficult in some places. There is a car park at the end of the road, from where a gravel road goes to Bødalsseter summer pasture farm. This short walk takes about ten minutes.

The pasture farm is 585 m.a.s.l. in Jostedalsbreen National Park. The farm that stands here today was built after an avalanche in 1893. It is the perfect starting point for a number of hikes, one of the most popular of which is to Bødalsbreen glacier, which takes about 50 minutes. There is a well-marked trail from the farm up the valley, and signs that show the way. After a while, the path branches off and there are new signs. To the left towards Lodalskåpa and to the right towards Bødalsbreen glacier. You can enjoy great views of the glacier lake Sætrevatnet on the way to the glacier.

Care must be taken near glaciers. Falling ice is common at the edge of glaciers, so keep your distance and don’t go too close. For more information about hiking on glaciers, see glacier walks.

Quelle: Nordfjord


    • Bødalsbreen
    • 6789
    • Loen
    +47 57874040

    Wo ist Bødalsbreen glacier ?