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By bus


With Kystbussen it’s simple and fast to travel to Haugesund from Stavanger (2 hours) and from Bergen (3 hours 15 minutes). Find timetables and buy tickets here.


The Haukeliekspressen from Oslo to Haugesund departs daily and travel time is 8–12 hours (night bus/daytime). Timetables and tickets here.

Vy Express

With Vy Express, you can travel all the way from Oslo - Kristiansand - Stavanger to Haugesund with the same bus. If you want to continue your journey on the West Coast, you can hop on the bus to Bergen, where a bus transfer will take you all the way to Ålesund. There are daily departures with VY, and you can find timetable and tickets here.

By Car

Take the E39 from Bergen (about 3 hours and 15 minutes) or from Stavanger (about 2 hours); or the E134 from Oslo (about 7 hours). The E39 from Kristiansand (about 5 hours 30 minutes) is a good option if you’re arriving in Norway by ferry from Denmark or Germany.

Local transport

The local bus company Kolumbus makes it easy to travel in Haugesund. A single ticket in the town centre costs just NOK 25. In the rest of Rogaland you can buy a single, 24-hour or one-week ticket. The bus company Skyss operates bus routes in Sveio and Etne. More information about timetables and fares can be found at Kolumbus and Skyss.

By plane

There are direct flights to Haugesund from Oslo, Bergen, Gdansk, Malaga and Alicante. Car rental is available at the airport.

Direct domestic flights

Direct International flights:

By boat

There is a car ferry service from Hirtshals in Denmark, and from Hirtshals in Denmark to Tananger (2 hours from Haugesund).

By train

The Sørlandet Line between Oslo and Stavanger via Kristiansand runs several times a day throughout the year. The journey takes about 8 hours. Stavanger is just 2 hours away from Haugesund.

You can get to Utsira and Røvær by boat from Haugesund.


The boat to Røvær leaves from Indre Kai quay in the centre of Haugesund and tickets can be bought on board or online at Kolumbus.


The free ferry service to Utsira leaves from Garpaskjærskaien quay on Risøy. You can book a place on the ferry for passengers and vehicles (There is a reservation fee for vehicles).

Find more inspiration from Haugesund and Haugalandet here.