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© John EikCaffery
Daytrips in Sauda

Children's Day in Sauda

Dra på oppdagelses ferd sammen med barna. Hils på dyra i Andedammen eller ta en dukkert i bassenget. Vi har satt sammen flere aktiviteter for både små og store slik at dere ikke skal gå glipp av noe.

Sauda municipality


4 hours


The duck pond in Sauda

The nice park Andedammen is located just outside Sauda center in Ryfylke.

© John EikCaffery

Minigolf and boccia in Sauda

Sauda minigolf is idyllically located by Andedammen, close to the center of Sauda. The course is 2000 m2 and has 18 holes of varying difficulty.

Open until 20:00
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© Portal Norge

Swimming facilities in Sauda

Saudahallen in Sauda in Ryfylke consists of an indoor swimming pool and outdoor swimming facilities.

Open until 17:00
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© John EikCaffery

Sauda skatepark in Sauda

Sauda Skatepark is an outdoor concrete skatepark, close to Sauda Stadium in Sauda, Ryfylke. The park is suitable for everyone - age doesn't matter!

© Sauda ferie og fritid

The Fairytale Forest in Sauda

The fairytale forest in Sauda is a hiking treasure for children. Here will you find trolls and many exciting creatures from the world of fairy tales.

© Per Inge Fjellheim