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Daytrips in Sauda

Hike from Saudafjorden to Kastfoss

From fjord to the mountain

Sauda municipality


2 hours


hike description

Embark on an adventure along Storelva river in Sauda. Walk across the iron bridge from the mainstreet in Sauda (signposted) to Tangen, a picnic area where the river (Storelva) meets the fjord. At Tangen there’s a barbeque spot and some picnic tables next to a tiny harbour with dramatic views of the smelting plant, the beating industrial heart of Sauda. Follow the path along the river from Tangen through Andedammen family park (‘Andedammen’ translates to the Duck Pond in English) to Lillebekk meadow. Lillebekk is a tranquil, green lung with a path through the forest to majestic views and sounds of Kastfoss waterfall. Along the way you can enjoy your packed lunch in a gapahuk (a wooden shed erected so people can enjoy their lunch outside while keeping dry in bad weather). At Kastfoss waterfall you can either return the way you came or continue your adventure to Lona, Lillebekk’s wilder, more rural cousin. To reach Lona walk up the iron stairs at Kastfoss waterfall and follow signs to Lona.