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How long is the hike to Middagskjerringa?

The hike to Middagskjerringa is a medium-demanding hike of 3.1 km. The trip is the same way round trip and takes about 1 hour.

How do I get to Middagskjerringa?

By ferry or speedboat from Lauvvik, Forsand or Songesand and by car from Lysebotn to the start of the hike. Or by car over the mountain from Øvre Sirdal: from Sinnes/Suleskard, continue on Fv986/Fv500 over Lyseheia to the start of the hike.

The start of the hike is marked with a small sign on Lysevegen, which can be difficult to spot (see photo). At the sign there is only a very narrow shoulder, there is somewhat more space at the newly widened shoulder 400m further east, at Venakvævtjørna.

When is the season for the tour?

Lysevegen is closed in winter until May - June. So you can only hike here from May to October.

Tour description

The hike takes you through a gently undulating high mountain landscape. The trail is marked with small stone cairns, some of which are labelled red. After half an hour's walk, you'll spot Lysedalen valley about 700 metres below you and not long after that the unmistakable Middagskjerringa will come into view. Be very careful on the final descent, and don't go any further than is safe. The view down through Middagsjuvet to Lyse is truly something else! The name Middagsjuvet and Middagskjerringå comes from the 30 metre high stone pillar that stands in the middle of the gorge. When the sun rose over the pillar, it was 12 o'clock and time for dinner at Lyse gardens.

The surrounding mountain area offers more beautiful high-mountain nature and ice-cut rock faces, as well as views down towards Lyse and into Sirdalsfjella. Remember to orientate yourself and make wise choices if you explore the area off the marked path.




Level of difficulty:
  • Medium (blue)
  • 3.1km
Total ascent:
  • 207m
  • Mountain area
  • Path
  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Spring

Where is Middagskjerringa in Lysebotn?