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The trip to Viglesdalen from Nes in Ryfylke is a classic and a wonderful trip for the whole family.

How long is the hike to Viglesdalen?

The trip to Viglesdalen is a moderately demanding summer route of 14 kilometres round trip. It's a one-way trip, but if you want a round trip, you can walk over Tverrfjellet back to Nes, which makes the trip longer and more demanding.

How do you get to Viglesdalen?

Follow Rv. 13 to Årdal. Turn off at Tveit and follow the signs to Nes. Continue to Nes. The tour starts at the car park.

When is the season for Viglesdalen?

You can go to Viglesdalen in spring, summer and autumn. The tourist cabin in Viglesdalen is unmanned and open all year round.

Tour description.

The entire hike follows a fascinating drift road that was built by Swedish ‘slusker’ before the First World War.

The route starts at the car park at Nes and crosses the bridge over Storåna. Continue in an easterly direction on a steady incline, passing Sendingfossen, Hiafossen and Granefossene. On the opposite side of the river you can see the abandoned Hia farm.

Continue to an elaborate stone bridge that crosses the river between Viglesdals- and Hiavatnet. The track continues on the north side of Viglesdalsvatnet and through the Kvitaråsa primeval forest. High up, the Risen formation juts out from the steep rock face.

Suddenly you'll see an idyllic and lush plain and here you'll find the tourist cabins ready to welcome you.

Important info for the hike

Viglesdalsløpet is organised on the trail (Nes - Viglesdalen - Nes) every year in June.

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Level of difficulty:
  • Medium (blue)
Total ascent:
  • 300m
  • 13.8km
  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Path
  • Forest area

Where is Viglesdalen?