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To Vaulen by bus from Stavanger

You can travel to the Vaulen by bus number 2 or 3. Bus number 2 in the direction of Sandnes leaves from bus stop C in Jernbaneveien (outside the main bus terminal in Stavanger). Bus number 3 in the direction of Forus leaves from the same bus stop. For both routes, get off at the Vaulen stop and walk down Stasjonsveien to the beach. It is about 1 kilometre to walk. Return: All buses running in the direction of Stavanger city centre. You can find updated routes on the Kolumbus journey planner.

About the Vaulen beach area

The bathing area is sheltered by the Gandsfjord and is one of the city's most popular bathing spots in the summer. It's important to arrive early to secure a spot in the sun. Read more about Vaulen here.

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  • Jernbaneveien 9
  • 4005
  • Stavanger
+47 51 19 99 00


  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Winter

Green certifications

Bus to Vaulen beach from Stavanger has received certification for its environmental efforts from:
  • MiljøfyrtårnMiljøfyrtårn
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.

Where is Bus to Vaulen beach from Stavanger?