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The route is almost 20 km long, so it's a good thing that there's a culinary treat at the end of the route, where an unforgettable experience awaits you.

The route Malkenes Lundegrend

You cycle up the road from the Malkenes quay to the crossroads on the Rv 49 road, turn right to the west and follow the road to Lundegrend and Våge. Here, you can enjoy cycling on quiet roads while you enjoy the views of Humlevika cove, Gjersvikvågen bay and the Bjørnefjord with its wooded small islands, islets and skerries.

After 3.5 km, you pass Lundegrend, where you can buy something to drink or fill your water bottle.

A work out?

If you really want to work up a sweat, you can take a detour after a further 6 km by turning off towards Myrdal at the crossroads. This the shortest and steepest ascent up Tysnessåta (753 metres). After 12 km, you get to Våge and follow the Rv 49 road to the left at the roundabout, south towards Stord, Hodnanes and Uggdal. Just before you get to Uggdal, there are signs up towards Dalen. You then follow the road along the Reiso river the last 3 km to Haaheim Gaard.

You will receive a warm welcome when you arrive at Haaheim Gaard, where you can enjoy the good life until you're ready for the next adventure on the seat of your bike.


  • 5690 Lundegrend


  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Daytrip (4-12h)

Where is Cycling route Malkenes – Haaheim Gaard (20 km)?