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The core of the Gestapo museum is the prison cells with incisions covering the walls from the floor to the ceiling.

We tend to use the saying “If the walls could talk”. Believe it or not but that’s what the walls of the old Gestapo head quarter in Bergen actually do. The authentic inscriptions were written by tortured prisoners during WWII and later by Norwegian traitors and German war criminals locked up in the same cells after the war. The premises tell a rare and rich story about being imprisoned under changing conditions.


In the museum you can use the interactive screens and move along some of the prisoners` itineraries starting at the Gestapo head quarter in Bergen through camps in Germany and back home after the war.

On the screens the prisoners own tales are compared with the torturers explanations on personal participation in the act of torturing.

In the museum you can also see some of the authentic tools used when torturing prisoners in the Gestapo head quarter.

If you close the cell door behind You and light up the walls with a available flashlight at sight, You can take a close look at the incisions. At the same time you will hear the prisoners own stories from hidden speakers. The walls speaks and create a physical presence of horror.

The exhibition also addresses topics related to the role of woman in war, torture methods, war criminals and betrayal. Through the exhibitions we realize that freedom do not appear by it self, but is something we need to address and create every day.

In the rotunda southwest of the building a monument in honor of the tortured is raised. Three memorial stones is laid at the sidewalk east side of the building in memory of those who threw themselves out from the building and ended their lives there. In fear of giving in on the torture and exposing other freedom fighters the gave their lives to protect and secure others.

You decide for Your self how deep into the topic you want to go. The museum is suitable for young people over 13 and adults.

The museum guides are ready to answer questions and are happy to elaborate.


The “house of horror” is located in the heart of Bergen and is located in close range to Den Nationale Scene (the theater). The entrance is located at Chr. Michelsens gate 10. Call on the intercom “Gestapomuseet”. At the entrance at Veiten 3 You can enter the museum by elevator.

The “House of Horror” is a monumental building, easy to spot. Traveling by car you can park in Klostergarasjen, with its exit right next to the museum and famous Bergen “piazza” Torvalmenningen.

Restaurants and all types of services is of course located nearby in the heart of Bergen.

Source: Visit Bergen


NOK 60
Adults (from 16 years):
NOK 120


  • Chr. Michelsens gate 10
  • 5012 Bergen
90 95 50 97


  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Winter

Where is The Gestapo museum - «House of horror»?