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West Norway is particularly well represented. Archaeological finds, urban and rural history collections, a textile section and a rich ethnographic collection.

Natural Science then and now

The oceans surrounding Norway have been the focus of research throughout the museum’s history, and new knowledge is still produced. Meet wildlife where we least expect to find it, in the deepest parts of the ocean! The bedrock we are walking on today at one point in prehistory lay a hundred kilometers below the mountain tops, deep down in the root of the mountain range. Get to know the processes that creates our globe. Our climate is changing. How has man influenced the development? What exactly is a plant? Plants are the descendants of the green algae on land, and some plants actually move, but this is far from a satisfactory answer – to find an answer you must come and study our exhibitions!

Our Viking Treasure was stolen, disappeared and then partially returned. Here you can find out more about what happened. Meet the mummies from Ancient Egypt, study the world’s oldest Hardanger Fiddle, study tools, inventory, costumes and musical instruments from historic farming communities in Norway, experience the exotic artifacts and study impressions from what used to be termed Colonies and much more. Experience exciting exhibitions within archeology, anthropology and cultural history.

The museum garden is a botanical gem in the center of Bergen - an exhibition of living plants. This is a protected old botanical garden used in research, dissemination and teaching. The selection of plants is large and varied with about 3000 different species today. Most of these are collected as seeds from wild species from around the world. There are also cultivated species of e.g. economically important or especially beautiful varieties.

Christie is our museum café, operated by the baker Godt Brød. Here you can enjoy a light meal in beautiful surroundings.

In the museum shop you will find unique gift items, some intriguing goods, a selection of very interesting books, and some useful stuff too! The shop is available without a ticket.

Nursery, toilets and wardrobe
The museum has its own nursery and wardrobe downstairs with lockers for bags, backpacks and valuables. Strollers are primarily placed in the designated area outside. We also have some strollers for you to lend.

How to get there?
The museum is located in the center of Bergen at Nygårdshøyden. The Light Rail runs from Flesland Airport to the city center, the last stop is Byparken. You see the museum in the southeast at the end of Christies gate. The museum is also in walking distance from Hurtigruten.

There are few parking places around the museum. You may also use the city parking garages; The Klostergarage, Bygarasjen and Grieg Hall Parking are all within walking distance to the museum.

The Arboretum and Botanical Garden at Milde (outside the city center)

The Botanical Garden contains the scientific collections of living plants for use in teaching, research, dissemination and recreation. The collections include plant species from different parts of the world. We disseminate knowledge about plants diversity and the importance of preservation. Endangered or vulnerable species in Norwegian nature are taken care of in the Botanical Garden. Botanical Garden – producing and disseminating knowledge.

Opening hours University gardens:

Musehagen, Muséplassen 3:
Open every day
Summer (1 June - 31 August): 06: 30-20: 00
Winter (1 September - 31 May): 06: 30-18: 00

Bergen Botanical Garden - open every day

The arboretum at Milde, Mildeveien 240 and Skipanesveien 45:
Open every day all year round.

Source: Visit Bergen
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From January 2 to December 31



Under 18 years:
NOK 110
NOK 150


  • Musèplassen 3
  • 5007 Bergen
55 58 00 00


  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Spring

Green certifications

The University Museum of Bergen - wonder and science has received certification for its environmental efforts from:
  • MiljøfyrtårnMiljøfyrtårn
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.

Where is The University Museum of Bergen - wonder and science?