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Get to Dalsnuten by bus from Stavanger or Sandnes

Several buses take you from Stavanger to Sandnes, please search in Kolumbus Travel Planner to find the best route. Alternatively, take the train from Stavanger to Sandnes. For train times, please search in Go-Ahead Nordic's Travel Planner.

From Sandnes, take bus number 29 to Gramstad. Bus 29 leaves from stop number 9 from Ruten in Sandnes every hour on weekdays. There are fewer departures on weekends. Check the Kolumbus Travel Planner for updated departure times.

From Gramstad to the starting point for the mountain hike to Dalsnuten

Get off at the bus stop at Gramstad and walk up Fjogstadveien (approx. 1.6 kilometres). Follow the signs. You can also continue to Dale and start the hike from there. There are several return times available with the buses from both Dale and Gramstad.

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See everything Kolumbus has to offer


  • Ruten
  • 4306
  • Sandnes
+47 51 19 99 00


  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer
  • Winter

Green certifications

Bus to Dalsnuten from Stavanger og Sandnes has received certification for its environmental efforts from:
  • MiljøfyrtårnMiljøfyrtårn
Environmental certification of private and public enterprises, also tourism.

Where is Bus to Dalsnuten from Stavanger og Sandnes?