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Only a few places in the world can offer such grand spectacle of nature, as the fjords in the western part of Norway. The Nærøyfjord is unique with steep mountain inclines, ascending 1800 metres high, wild waterfalls, and a living cultural landscape. The Nærøyfjord arm (part of the Sognefjord) is 19 Km long and only 250 metres wide in some places.

The Nærøyfjord is rich in contrasts and offers a unique interaction of scenery and landscape. The magnificent mountains surrounding the fjord rise vertically, allowing many powerful cascading waterfalls to majestically crash into the fjord below. There are many untouched, wild areas and small farms surrounding the Nærøyfjord. No visible roads connect the farms and tiny villages, demonstrating what an important lifeline and travel route the fjord provided in the past.

Read more about the Norwegian fjords:

A hike in Aurlandsdalen is something quite unique. The river Aurlandselva runs through this wonderful landscape and you have a magnificent view towards the fjord and mountains. The valley starts at the plateau Hardangervidda and ends by the Aurlandsfjord and the Nærøyfjord.

There are many possibilities to experience the Nærøyfjord close to the water. Go by sightseeing boat or ferry, RIB boat safari, or even kayak.

Read more: What is a fjord?

Hiking routes around the Nærøyfjord

A hike in Aurlandsdalen is something quite unique. The river Aurlandselva runs through this wonderful landscape and you have a magnificent view towards the fjord and mountains. The valley starts at the plateau Hardangervidda and ends by the Aurlandsfjord and the Nærøyfjord.

Bakkanosi mountain is another popular hike that offers fantastic views of the fjord. The hike to the summit is long and demanding, and you should have experience hiking in the mountains and bring a map and compass.

Fjord cruise There are a number of ways to seethe Nærøyfjord at close range. Take a Nærøyfjord cruise from Flåm, Aurland or Gudvangen, or experience the beautiful scenery on a RIB boat, both in winter and summer. There is also a car ferry between Gudvangen and Kaupanger, or get even closer to the Nærøyfjord on a stand up paddleboard.

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Experience the Sognefjord!

Read more about the different experiences on offer in the area around the Sognefjord and the Nærøyfjord.

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UNESCO World Heritage in Fjord Norway

The Geirangerfjord is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.