Spinneriet Oltedal knows yarn! If you love knitting and can't get enough yarn balls for your hobby, you simply have to stop by Spinneriet Oltedal when you're out and about in the Oltedal region. Perhaps you're driving from Stavanger towards Byrkjedal or Sirdal? Then it's a perfect shopping stop on the way.
Everything from yarn to ready-made knitwear
The store offers a wide range of yarn types and knitting patterns. You'll find yarns from Gjestal Garn, Dale Garn, Du Store Alpakka and Camilla Phil Strikk. If you're not a knitter, you can also buy ready-made clothes and products in the store. They also offer a café in the store, where you can enjoy cakes, coffee and ice cream.
Getting to Spinneriet Oltedal
You have to drive, and the shop is just over an hour's drive from Stavanger along Hunnedalsveien in Oltedal.