Go your own way!

We´re all on our way somewhere. On our path through life. Pack your bags and feel the thrill of stepping into a new adventure. Are you ready to go your own way and explore the most exciting destination in Norway?


Venture off the beaten track for amazing adventures, fascinating encounters, and new stories to tell

We will guide you to the Islands to the west - on the very edge of the ocean. To the sheer mountains and glistening glaciers. To deep blue fjords and raging waterfalls, to calm and mysterious waters - teeming with trout, and to historical attractions and a rich array of cultural experiences.

Ei jente står vendt vekk frå kamera med ei arm opp i været. ho står på en bilveg- det er trær, busker og gras rundt ho. det heng eit skilt over vegen, der står det: sjå deg ikkje attende
© Visit Fjordkysten og Sunnfjord

Journey into the unknown and discover new places

The Fjord Coast and Sunnfjord is all set against a magical backdrop! We can show you the way to all this and more.